And last, I tried to change de date to October 2010 in Win10 as suggested to make the versions on this site work but I have constant crashes in FL Studio 20.

No detailed info on SynchroArts site, and some videos say the difference is not noticeable. I'm also wondering about the differences in the 2nd generation engine used by the Pro 4 version compared to the Project 3 version.

In Studio One 4 you can do this for all alligned tracks with just a shortcut, that's all. A pity that for using Vocalign Pro 4 in FL Studio you need to manually export the aligned tracks one by one after muting the original tracks and the import the exported back over the originals. After having seen many videos and taking into account that Vocalign won't be unlocked anytime soon, i will go for Vocalign Pro + Studio One 4 that seems to have the most effective workflow. Thanks i may try it, though the Cubase version you point to seems to have the latency compensation issue that makes it unsuitable for mixing purposes. WHY USE VOCALIGN PRO 4? Music Editing Perfectly-aligned double-tracked vocals and/or instruments Tighter and clearer backing vocals Shorter overdub sessions Easy re-grooving of recorded vocals for remixing Audio Post-production and Multimedia Perfect lip-syncing Reduced studio time re-recording dialogue More accurate and convincing foreign dialogue replacement Tighter Foley and sound effects tracks Full ARA2 (Audio Random Access) support for an even faster and easier workflow with compatible DAWs. (See Features) The Pitch of aligned audio is unchanged. Simple, intuitive Audio Suite AAX, VST3/ARA and AU plug-in integration for most popular DAWs. Provides time saving and quality benefits for ADR, tightening double tracked vocals and backing harmonies, foreign language dubbing, etc. Works with voice, musical instruments and sound effects. Includes basic and advanced alignment and editing algorithms. Main Features Automatically analyzes the energy patterns of two audio signals and edits one to match the timing of the other. Simply capture a Guide signal with the right timing, capture a Dub signal to be aligned, press one button, and a new aligned Dub is generated and returned to your DAW. VocALign Pro 4 is the most advanced version of the legendary VocALign program, providing instant tight alignment of one audio signal to another.